Consultation & Gap Assessments


We provide a full range of consulting services to help clients navigate cybersecurity and compliance issues. Consults may consist of a single issue via telephone or involve complex issues that require in person engagements. Cybersecurity Advisors are eager to listen to your concerns and provide professional advice.

CISO On-Demand Service

As a trusted advisor, Cyberfox helps you understand how proposed security controls will impact business operations, finances and technology. This is a vital step in ensuring that a specific security approach offers you the best ROI.

We help align security programs with business priorities and assist organizations seeking to meet relevant legal, regulatory and contractual requirements. We provide the guidance and heavy lifting you require to elevate your current security strategy.

Our CISO on-Demand service is flexible in both scope and timespan. Services include:

  • Creating or updating the IT Security policy
  • Managing IT risk against business goals
  • Developing a professional security program
  • Improving your compliance posture to meet regulatory requirements
  • Reducing overall risk exposure
  • Securing sensitive data

Risk Assessment and Best Practices

We conduct an onsite visit to assess your understanding of cyber threats to your business, your ability to reduce the attack space criminals target and your ability to keep operating after an attack. We provide a Report of Findings and Recommendations designed to significantly improve your cybersecurity knowledge, ability to protect resources and recover quickly from an attack.

Cyber Security Training

Comprehensive Cybersecurity Assessment

This service is designed for clients with a larger footprint and more assets to protect. It is a three-phase process in which we conduct comprehensive key person interviews, surveys, and employ tools to assess and collect necessary data. We them examine, parse and analyze the data to draw conclusions and make recommendations. This entails extensive technical testing and may include Servers, Routers, Switches, Intrusion Detection Systems, Intrusion Prevention Systems, Firewalls, Websites, and other network devices. This service typically takes more than fifteen business days to complete and culminates with an onsite Presentation of Findings Briefing and associated Report of Findings and Recommendations.